Thursday, March 26, 2015

Display of Biblical Headship (Part 1)

A husband, when exercising proper headship, loves his wife sacrificially. There is one primary command given to the husband in exercising biblical headship; and that command is to love his wife sacrificially (Ephesians 5:25). This imperative is given, using the most vivid example of love possible – the love of Christ for his bride, the church.

Monday, March 16, 2015

"Inescapable Leadership" -- The Dynamic of Headship

One of the misconceptions that has been accepted into the realm of fact is the supposition that the husband is commanded by God to be the head of his wife/home. Men, there is no such command in the Scriptures (stay with me on this one...).

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Destructive Force in Christian Homes (Part 2)

The problem in marriage relationships comes about when those involved act selfishly (due to unexcused ignorance or willful disobedience), but aren’t willing to (or understand the need to) deal with it. It is good for us to acknowledge that selfishness can be summed up in three statements: 1) “I will do what I want to do.” 2) “I will not do what I don’t want to do.” 3) “I will do what I don’t want to do if I will get what I want.” Whenever an individual acts according to one of these three statements (no matter how small or how big the act is), selfishness is at the root.

Monday, February 16, 2015

The Most Destructive Force in the Home (Part 1)

Speaking in a couple of different churches in the recent past, I have felt burdened to share the following truth concerning marriage relationships and parent/child relationships. The sad commentary on our Christian homes today is that we have allowed a very destructive force to gain entrance and a foothold. Our homes today will not be devastated by a “grenade” from the outside (even though they are being launched), but by the “nuclear warhead” detonated within our own four walls. This is evidenced in the various types of behavioral problems found in Christian homes today. Some of these problems have plagued Christian homes for years, but not with as much widespread scope as in current days. We are seeing things happen in Christian homes that were uncommon years ago in non-Christian homes!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Why are we ineffective?

One of my favorite quotes from C.S. Lewis:

“If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this.”

A quick scan of the Pauline epistles will show us that Paul was consumed with eternity and eternity's values.  A challenge to us -- have we become so consumed with this life that we are missing the mindset of the spiritual realm? Has our Christianity become anemic because our thoughts and affections are on this world? Do we structure our family around the temporal things of life or around the eternal promises of the next?

Monday, January 26, 2015

Iron Sharpening Iron

It is my desire to see this blog used as a medium for Bible believing Christian men to be challenged by the Word of God and then, in turn, to challenge me (and others).

The primary focus of the articles on this blog will be to strengthen relationships, especially those in the home. We need Christian men who are willing to stand on biblical truth and apply that truth to their marriages and to their families.

Will you join me in this endeavor? Each week (Lord willing) I will plan on posting an article focused on family relationships and/or topics that relate to men. I would like to have some feedback from you. Feel free to post a comment, question, or challenge that you see is pertinent to the article. This will give us the ability to interact and "sharpen" each other.

If you want to help us get a head start, go ahead and jot me a quick comment to this opening blog (just click on the comment section at bottom), and maybe a question that you would like to see covered. The more men we have interacting, the more affect we can have on each other.

(Note: Let us try to keep our interactions based on the Scriptures. Also, please remember that I don't claim perfection -- in my writing or in my ideas. Only God is infallible.)